Birth story - Faye and baby Teddy


Trigger warning - I have had 3 miscarriages and was put on a low dose of aspirin during this pregnancy. I was super nervous to fail again.

I started to have hardenings/ Braxton Hicks daily from 20 weeks, and ended up in hospital with them a couple of times due to them getting more intense and closer together. They monitored them and even looked to give me a steroid injection just in case.

I had ‘my show’ and then a few days later (3 days early) my baby decided to come.

On the day of the birth I just generally thought it was another day of hardenings so went on a dog walk and when I started bleeding I called the hospital and went to get checked. They told me I was having contractions and to come back a couple of hours later. An hour later the contractions were too intense so I went to hospital.

As soon as I got to the birth center my waters broke and they checked me, I was 10cm dilated. They kindly found me a birthing pool and put me in there. With a lot of gas and air baby was born! He did make a pocket hole in my birth canal by grabbing on for dear life which took over a couple of hours to stitch up. The water birth definitely made things a lot easier though!


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