Birth story - Eva and baby boy


First of all, I couldn’t thank enough to Siobhan Miller and the Positive Birth Company, I’m forever grateful for your digital course and I will be recommending it to everyone.

I found out about Siobhan Miller's Hypnobirthing course 2 weeks before my due date and managed to watch all videos, some of them multiple times. It helped me to stay calm during the last days of pregnancy even when things went out of control (e.g. my little one got chicken pox 10 days before my due date). Also, when I (again) went overdue I started to be really nervous, but knowing how important it is to stay relaxed I tried to do so by having regular baths with few drops of essential oils (I used lavender or peppermint) and I kept reading positive stories and listening to MP3 guided meditations, especially before bed time.

Finally, 29th of September afternoon I started to feel mild contractions, very irregular at the beginning, so I wasn’t sure if this was beginning of labour or not (with my first pregnancy stronger contractions woke me up middle of the night so I didn’t have that smooth transition from mild to stronger). Anyway, my surges (will keep using that word) become more regular towards the evening and I kept tracking them using mobile app Contraction Timer. All the time my main focus was on breathing, I had headphones on and I kept reminding myself that with every surge I’m closer to meeting my baby and that each surge is necessary part of this process and has its own important role.

I was listening to the guided meditation MP3s all the time and kept breathing through surges. Suddenly at 1.30am they become few mins apart, so I called hospital and woke up my husband. After that, surges become so close that I wasn’t able to speak anymore, just kept strong focus on breathing. When we arrived to hospital they told us to wait in the waiting room, I couldn’t keep calm and surges where coming all the time, I was walking around until they invited us to assessment room, we didn’t have much time to talk, after quick examination they said I was fully dilated. Immediately after examination my waters broke (it was like a weird explosion), and straight away they quickly transferred me to delivery room, I hopped on bed and asked for gas & air (actually couldn’t wait for it) and felt urge to push (I was on my knees), within next few pushes baby was born! It was unbelievable!! My husband was sleeping at home 1.30am when I woke him up to get ready to go, and 1 hour later, 2.31am he was holding his son in his arms!
Baby was back to back all the time, but apparently turned to the right position during labour. I believe staying UFO helped.

I wanted delayed cord clamping and natural birth of placenta, but they said that I was loosing lot of blood, so they gave me injection to deliver placenta quickly. Apparently I teared on the same place where I had episiotomy with my first baby (as scared skin doesn’t stretch well) so in the end I required stitches. I only wish that I knew about this Hypnobirthing course when I was first time pregnant as I’m sure lots of stress and damage could have been prevented.

My baby was born yesterday, 30th of September, I was discharged from hospital afternoon and today already I’m able to share this story. I’m totally grateful for my experience which was completely different than my first one and I don’t think it would have been possible without this course.

They said Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance (PPPPP) and this Hypnobirthing course did just that! 😊

Thank you!



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