Birth story - Erika and Giuseppe

OMG!! I did it!!🤩 I feel like a super hero!! Giving birth is definitely the most empowering experience ever!!

Now our family is complete! Mummy❤️, Daddy💚, Rita💖, Giuseppe💙and Molly🐾 (the dog)


It isn’t going to be a long one as it was as straight forward as it could get! 🤩

I started to get very mild surges in the morning of Sep 4th, but I was having Braxton Hicks for over a week so I just thought it was that just a little stronger, so I wasn’t paying too much attention and went on with my day as normal. The surges started to get a bit more regular in the evening after dinner but still not too about 10pm my mucus plug went and the surges started to happen more often so I decided to start tracking them and they were about 20 mins apart. I went to sleep but the surges started to happen every 15mins and obviously didn’t let me sleep.

I suddenly felt at about 12:30am that I wanted to shower as the surges started to happen every 10mins. I asked my husband to setup the pool. Still the surges were very manageable so went downstairs to help a bit with the pool and so on. Then out of nowhere the surges started to become extremely intense and 2mins apart making me vomit.

After a few of those, I asked my husband to call the MW who arrived 20 mins later...she arrived and I felt the baby was almost here, she said she was going to do a VE to see if I could get in the pool and I said “no, sorry, no time for that, the baby is coming and I need to get in the pool now” I stood up, got in the pool, and my baby came out on his own! I didn’t really push, he just came out!
(Note: my first labour was also very quick, just 2 hours!)


I delivered the placenta outside the pool and I was happy to get the injection to get it out quicker as I just wanted to have some rest. He latched on very well, we had skin to skin and then daddy also had some nice skin to skin time with him!! 💙💙


We are in love and very tired! Very positive experience and grateful for all the things I learnt with the digital pack! And also to understand the importance of the birthing partner! My husband did an amazing job supporting me!! He watched some of the videos in the digital pack and he was very ready to take onboard the challenge!! ❤️❤️


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