Birth story - Emily and baby Krew
Previous pregnancy and birth:
I did the positive birth company course for my first son born in 2018 which I loved and found so informative and empowering. Despite this, in all honesty, I struggled with my oldest sons birth due to him being back to back. Thankfully my labour was straight forward and my son came safely at a midwife led unit but I did feel out of control and quite panicked during it. Looking back there were lots of things I feel stopped me from keeping calm such as not consistently using my breathing, not eating and drinking or having rested as much as possible which likely contributed to having made it more difficult.
This pregnancy and birth:
I was really fortunate again to have a really straight forward pregnancy that was almost identical to my first sons. Both during intense summer heat
My due date came and went but I was ok with this as assumed he would be late like my eldest was so declined a sweep. I spent a lot of time this time round really making sure I was as relaxed as possible and prepared as much as I could be!
On day 40+6 I felt my waters trickle out at 2.30am - I knew it was them as I’d just been up for the toilet and it happened this way last time! They booked me in to see the midwives to check this at 11am. My contractions started at 4.30am but they were very manageable and slow so I took some paracetamol and went back to bed. Once at hospital they began to get more intense as they checked babies movements as I mentioned he had been less active and all was well . They checked me at 2.30pm where I was 3cm which I felt a bit disheartened at however, I felt good about the way I was managing with the app and this time I actually had gaps where I could have snacks and speak to my partner which was a shock to us both!
I was examined again at 5.30pm where I was 5cm but I knew that things had started to ramp up and I was convinced that he would be here soon. I was really fortunate to have a lovely midwife and a great student who tried to be as least intrusive as possible. I also felt really listened to when I was expressing that I felt it wouldn't be long and they ran the pool which was incredible and so relaxing. I never got that feeling last time so was happy to experience this. As soon as I got in the water I felt things change in intensity and felt I couldn't manage anymore just with Freya app so was given some gas and air. I struggled getting my breathing right with this but was helpful to at least hold on to and distracting! This time I found the pushing and our babies head being born very intense as it was all very quick. This was the first time in the whole labour that I felt out of control and a bit scared with how things had progressed but it soon turned to happiness when my son was born shortly after into the water
We were really fortunate that all was well afterwards with our beautiful boy. I can honestly say the Freya app and this group got me through this labour and helped me to stay in control and feeling safe throughout.

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