Birth story - Emily and baby Esme


I can't believe I'm finally sharing my positive birth!

Up until 35 weeks I had the most straightforward pregnancy and was really excited about labour, thanks to the Digital Pack!

However, I was then diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 35 weeks and also my baby had turned breech. The growth scan was fine but confirmed the breech position and we decided that the best option for us was a planned c section (after an unsuccessful ECV). I was devastated at first but after a week or so I had written out my new birth preferences and was looking forward to meeting our little one.

The day before my planned c section I had planned to get some housework done, some meal prep and just general last minute bits. But I woke up feeling exhausted because I'd had bad period type pain in my lower back all night which had me up every few hours, needing to use up breathing to get through it. I did a few bits round the house but was still suffering with the lower back issue. Mid way through the morning I noticed my show/mucus plug in my underwear. I was so happy that my body was clearly ready to givebirthsoon but I knew this could happen a few weeks before labour so didn't think anything of it.

I had some lunch and had a lie down on the sofa and with that my waters broke! I couldn't believe it! I called the hospital and they asked me to come in straight away to be assessed.

They said the best thing was to do the c section that day as I was starting to get surges by then as well and we didn't want the baby to start coming on it's own.

While we were waiting to be taken to theatre, my husband and I watched the England game on his phone which did help to distract me a little throughout the surges. By the time that was over, it was time to meet our baby!

Our little girl, Esmé Rose, was delivered at 11.37pm, both my husband and I found out she was a girl at the same time, as they lowered the screen for us, we had skin to skin immediately and it was a really positive experience. Everyone in theatre was so excited for us and they loved that we didn't know what we were having so they all got the surprise with us as well. It really was amazing!


I would never have been as calm as I was about having a c section had it not been for the digital pack.

I also love that I got to experience certain aspects of "natural" labour, as I was upset about "missing out" on certain things.

I feel so incredibly lucky!:)


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