Birth story - Elizabeth and baby Sebastian
My name is Elizabeth Shaw. My wife’s name is Ellen. We live in Spokane, WA, USA. We are now the proud parents of Sebastian who is eight months old as I type this. Ellen is mom/mommy and I am mama.
I got pregnant through embryo transplant. We used donor sperm and Ellen’s eggs and I carried the little one. We were very blessed that I got pregnant our first go. Shortly after I got pregnant, Louise Pentland gave birth to Pearl and it was through her birth video I learned about the Positive Birth Company.
I am beyond grateful for the knowledge and empowerment I gained from the Digital Pack. I was worried I would feel left out because we are a same sex couple and because you are in the UK and I’m in the USA. You did such a fantastic job of using “birth partner” and Ellen happily dubbed herself my Birthing Cave Manager.
Due to my group b strep diagnosis we decided to use hospital midwives instead of the homebirth midwives. Because of you I felt empowered to ask and advocate for my desires with our midwives even when I wanted things like electric candles that are not common in US hospitals. Everything you suggested I was able to implement here.
I had just had a fantastic weekend it was 11pm at night when I got settled in bed, Ellen took a sleep aid, and I told Sebastian “hello, little one. We are ready for you. You can come out whenever you would like, but no rush.” And I tried to go to sleep. My heart was pounding even though I was calm. And then I said, “Ellen.” *snore* “Ellen” “huh?” “I think my water broke.”
We got up and I reviewed your videos while she, groggily, thought hmmmm, what would make Elizabeth calm? I think I’ll tidy something. I still tease her about this.
It was August 26, we are plagued by wildfires at this point of summer, but that night, it was a full moon and it rained. It was magic.
Even though I spent hours working on my music playlist the only thing I wanted to listen to was your positive affirmations. I had electric candles, an aromatherapy diffuser, and only once did I ask for an epidural because I was sleepy and the contractions annoyed me. The nurse read my birth plan and knew that I didn’t actually want one so she drew me a bubble bath.
The nurses all knew what I wanted from my birth plan that I had crafted with your videos.
I am so grateful for the Positive Birth Company. Sebastian was born August 27, 2018. 12 hours from the start to finish. No epidural or interventions. The oxytocin release with skin to skin was the most incredible feeling in the world.
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I fully plan on downloading the pack when I’m pregnant again!

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