Birth story - Earleesha and baby Enastazia
*Trigger warning* - use of the word contraction (not negative to me), miscarriage, fainting
Writing this while holding my perfect little princess- honestly the best feeling in the world . Also after months of reading so many of your positive birth stories I'm grateful to share mine.
My pregnancy was great, no nausea and everyone telling me how much I was glowing pretty much the duration of my pregnancy. However, after having a miscarriage Feb 2021 at 6weeks, I was always a little on edge. I had a private scan at 6wks, 9wks, 16wks (to find out sex) and was gifted a 3D scan which I used at 30wks. I just loved seeing baby and watching heartbeat. At 32 weeks midwife sent me for a growth scan- I wasn't worried but loved the extra opportunity to see baby (all was good).
On Friday, after making lunch, I was feeling some period pains so went for a nap. They weren't consistent but were going all day. At 8pm I went to mum's as I had some Easter things to do with little sister, cookies and she wanted to make slime, and I did her and mum's hair. When leaving mum's at 2am, I told her baby was coming today- mum was like ‘yeah right.’
I got home and after using toilet I noticed some mucus when wiping. I got excited, then watched some NBA basketball (I'm a national league basketball player) contractions were coming but not intense but more frequently than before. At 5 am I thought maybe I should go to sleep. I woke up at 6:45 am leaking so I went to put on a pad and that soaked so I woke partner and was like, ‘its happening.’ He got up and ate breakfast, I showered and had some Weetabix. I started tracking my contracts with Freya app and it said I was in established labour around 8am. I put on TENS straight away (why not). I tried calling the labour line and was on hold for 45mins. When they finally answered at 9am- we were already driving to hospital.
Triage on the phone didn't believe I was in established labour because I would speak through contractions and so told the birth centre that my water broke and they should just check. I waited over 45mins at birth centre as they were busy and didn't know I was having contractions. When the midwife realised I was in having contractions she said that changed everything and we relocated. I was still able to breath through the contractions- (my main affirmation was it's only for 1min. I can do anything for 1min).
I had an internal check at 11am and she said I was 3cm dilated and my cervix was thin. I was like yes (in my head). She said I could stay or go home, we stayed. They asked us to take a Covid test and that made me projectile vomit up my breakfast, so they gave me lunch.
There was a midwife switch around 1pm and I asked for the gas and air as I was getting tired and contractions were getting intense.
They said I could have another internal exam at 3pm and then I could go over to the pool if I was progressing. I was checked and I was 8cm dilated- yes. We went to the pool at 3:30, it was instant relief.
After pooing in the water I stopped tracking contractions, stopped using the gas and air and just breathed through the contractions.
Around 4pm I decided that the contractions felt different so I started pushing with my breath every contraction to see if any movement happened. I felt movement and I was encouraged to go with it by my midwife. The ring of fire was real. I felt her head go down, then back up. Then the next one pushed her head out. I waited for the next contraction and pushed her all out 4:23pm.
I was super emotional seeing my little person. After giving birth to her, while holding her in the pool, 10mins later, I gave birth to the placenta - I was able to wait until the cord stopped pulsing (which I wanted but wasn't sure if it was possible). Partner cut the cord. Then another midwife was called to help get me out the pool. I stood up and I felt funny - I then fainted and fell back into the pool - they said I probably fainted because I got up too quickly and the pool was hot. I was able to be transferred to bed and had golden hour, where baby girl breastfed. I didn’t need any stitches to my surprise. Still can't believe it all happened how I wanted it (apart from fainting), pretty intense and surreal I'm literally going around showing anyone that want to see my birth video, I'm so proud of myself.
I want to thank PBC and this great community. I was truly inspired by all the positive stories. I'm glad my friend mentioned hypnobirthing, from the first video I knew it was for me (I'm all about a positive mindset). I felt prepared to give birth in a way I never thought was possible (pure magic). I was literally telling everyone that birth was going to go smoothly and I was planning to go all natural (they all smiled in disbelief).
If you got to the this point, I want to thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed me reliving this amazing experience through words.
Final note: Trust your instinct, stay focused, submerge yourself in the meditations and believe in your body, we were made for this . Each contraction is like a wave you feel it coming in and out. Remember: you can do anything for 1min. You got this!

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