Birth story - Diana and baby Noah

On Thursday 28th June was full moon and at 20:45 I started to release my waters. I was by myself at home, called my husband who was at the gym and went to triage to check baby. As my surges were very mild we came back home around 12pm. We went to bed to try to get some sleep.

At 2pm I started to track my surges and connected the Tens machine, which distracted me. The night was fresh and quiet, I started to listen to The Positive Birth Company Mp3s. The affirmation that took me through that night was "My partner is by my side and on my side". At 9am I said to him I need to go to the toilet, oops nope it was the baby coming. My breathing started to change and I had an urge to push. We called the Uber and rushed to Croydon University Hospital, went to triage and straight to the Birth Centre, at 9.15am 29.06.18.

I had printed affirmations and photos to put up, lavender spray and oil, all that went through the window, there was no time. The midwife did the internal examination (the 1st in all my pregnancy). She said, oh I can see his hair!! They followed all our preferences and checked before doing anything. I started with down breathing and a lovely playlist I had prepared. Remember, every surge brings you closer to meeting your baby.

My pressure was a bit high and the water was too hot to get into the pool, so started pushing on the couch against the bean bag. Then went into the pool, on fours and my husband came also into the pool, he was sitting in front of me so I could grab his shoulders. I did a mixture of down breathing and being guided by my midwife and at 10.18am with Pavarotti on the background (favourite song of my grandparents) Noah Carmo Menghi was born 3.500kg 50cm. I grabbed him from under the water and did skin to skin with him. Dad cut the cord after 3 min, and they did skin to skin too.


I lost a bit more of blood so we could not wait for the cord to stop pulsing, I had the injection and delivered the placenta. As a tiny bit of the placenta did not came out, we had to stay a couple of days at the hospital, all was fine and we had the best day of our lives. Not even a stitch I had. (I have to confess that I ate 7 dates a day from week 36, if that had an influence on a short labour, not going over my due date and not tearing we will never know).

Sorry I know it is a long story but thank you to The Positive Birth Company family for always being there for us. The digital pack is amazing and essential and it crossed my journey at week 35, so you still have time. Hope I've helped at least one of you with our positive story.



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Birth story - Leah and baby Grayson


Birth story - Natalie and baby Nuh