Birth story - Dee-Jay and baby boy

As soon as I found out I was expecting, I knew I wanted to hypnobirth. My partner was on board with whatever made me most comfortable and he got stuck in with the videos too!We purchased the digital pack and book at the start of my second trimester. We would watch the videos every night and I would practice my breathing in the bath. Although I have never been scared to give birth, I was scared of the unknown of when it would happen and how my body would get through it. Watching the videos and being able to understand the anatomy of giving birth made me feel so at ease and connected even more so with my pregnancy. I really focused all of my energy into having the most positive experience. 

My labour 💙

My due date 12th December. I woke up not feeling any different at all, my partner went off to work at 7:30am and joked that if it happened today to call him. I laughed as it would be very unlikely on my due date. I went to the bathroom around 8:40am and my waters were trickling, I phoned my midwife centre who advised to come in at 11am. I rang my partner (Billy) and best friend (2nd birth partner, Holly) to tell them, Billy left work straight away. By 9:45am I had my first surge and they came fast I had my first 4 in 11minutes.

By 10am Billy was home and started to pack the car I think he could tell things were going quicker than we ever imagined. He helped me get dressed and we headed to the midwife centre. When I arrived the midwife on the ward said this looks promising as I was holding onto a rail breathing through my surges. As soon as I got in the room I was on all 4s as that was the most comfortable position. She checked how dilated I was and said I was 3cm. She said to stay as we were the only ones there and it seemed to be progressing quickly. She read through my birth preferences, dimmed the lights put on my playlist and let me get into my zone. I spent a bit of time in the shower and soon got into the pool which was so relaxing (I was told that I looked asleep between surges) I’ve honestly never experienced anything like it.

My baby’s heart was dipping after a while pushing so I was asked to go on to the bed. He had his hand up against his face so I had an episiotomy to make more room and went onto a birth stool with 4 pushes he was born at 3:44pm. No medication, no screaming, no swearing. It was the most beautiful experience of my life, and I honestly can’t wait to do it again. I can’t thank you enough! I tell everyone about hypnobirthing. 💙


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