Birth story - Danielle and baby Evelyn

I started having contractions 12noon ish when I was out doing a small food shop, I didn't say anything because I thought they where Braxton Hicks as I have never had them before.

My nan dropped my little boy home at 5, I knew something was going down so we had dinner, bath and got sorted into bed.

By 7 o'clock I had my partner on the timer and was having regular contractions every 5 mins for about 45 seconds. The were getting more painful and I started taking deep breaths. It was at this point I phoned my mum for the, ‘you might get a ring later on,’ call.

We set up the downstairs, blew up the pool and I thought I've got another good few hours of this, but something told me it was time to fill up the pool. I got in as it was filling up and my contractions got much stronger.


We phoned the midwife at 22.37 - contractions where 4 mins apart lasting 45 seconds and my waters had not broken. They told me I was in the early stages (wish I had told them my early stage was at 7 o'clock!)

My waters broke at 11.37 and we phoned the midwife a 2nd time.

We called 999 at 11.51, they told my partner to drain the pool 😭 (I got very angry with the woman in the phone). The ambulance arrived about 00.07 (we checked the doorbell afterwards!)

No examination needed.

I had the urge to push just before they got here and told the paramedic as soon as they got in, ‘I need to push said she's coming I can feel the head.’ "No she's not coming I can't see anything," was the response I got. The pool had been drained and I was using the sides as a leaning post. I could feel the head, I was open and with the next contraction she was born.


Got a little worked up as the next contraction was taking a while, the head was born but I was waiting for the body. I ended up with a 2nd degree tear and stiches.
Baby was delivered at 00.17. The midwives arrived at 00.38!

My room went from a tranquil room of peace and quiet to full of four paramedics and their kit and two midwives with their bags all over the shop. I wish they had listened on my first phone call, I know for next time to trust myself and tell them to come and not wait.

After birth I passed a few blood clots (the paramedics said it was my placenta, I knew it wasn't) so I asked for the injection to deliver the placenta and finally it was out. I lost a bit of blood but nothing too serious.

I didn't get skin to skin as they tried to dry her off and warm her up and the cord was cut shortly after. My partner spent the first 15 minutes having a cuddle while I watched as they had me sit on a chair waiting for what they thought was my placenta to pass (actually passing blood clots)

Baby brother (3years old) slept through the whole thing and woke up ready to meet his baby sister. My partner took baby upstairs to meet her big brother and they spent time together while I was getting stitched sucking on gas and air.


All was going well and baby was fine but they got worried about her temp as it went to 37.8 and as she was born quickly with no midwife in attendance they transferred us to hospital. We left at 3.08. I hospital they took her blood, they said her temp was fine, and took my blood and then I had to wait to be discharged 😒😒 I got back home at 8am.

It was almost the perfect birth, if they listened to me the first time and sent the midwifes it would have been a lot different. Never the less it was better then my first hospital birth and I can't wait for baby #3

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