Birth story - Danielle and baby Beau

I want to start off by saying this birth was incredibly positive and empowering and I hope it helps anyone who has an induction and/or chooses to have an epidural.

Beau's labour and birth was possibly the most calm, positive and amazing experience I could have ever wished for.

After speaking to my OB about bubs measured size and his older sisters not so great birth it was decided we would be induced. When I was checked the Thursday before I was already 2 cms dilated and my cervix was softening (two milestones I didn't experience naturally first time around).

Monday morning (the day of) we were meant to head into the hospital for an 8.15am check-in however we got a call at 6am saying there were no beds, looks like all March babies were born over that weekend lol, this didn't worry us as it meant we had a slower morning with our 3yo, we had a dance party and breakfast together before dropping her off at daycare (cue me balling my eyes out) and off we went.

We arrived at the hospital and were admitted by 10.09am, the staff were lovely and supportive and were up for everything we asked for, low lighting, music, minimal internals, minimal interruptions etc. Doing this course made me feel like I could ask for the world and be prepared to fight for what I knew I needed and wanted, I was lucky there was no need to feel so anxious about my demands as they were all met with smiles and support.

I was already 3cm on arrival with Bub 3 fingers above my pelvis and mucus plug came out just before I had my waters broken at 11am, so no need for gel or balloon (Woohoo). I opted for an epidural early but it worked only where I needed it, I could still move my legs and upper body and move from side to side, I found laying on my left was most comfortable.

At one point the midwife had me sitting up slightly/laying on my back which sent me into the shakes, sweats and vomiting so I insisted to be moved back to my left side and felt myself return to normal.

We had the blinds closed, lights dimmed and acoustic covers playlist playing as my partner and I chatted excitedly about our little boy and checked in on our daughter.

At 4pm my surges started at 1min 54sec between each, cue the breathing. This is where everything became really peaceful and calm, I would breath through each surge and rest in between, I was surprised at how the intensity grew with each one, there was no repetition, just this gradual increase of pressure in my tailbone as I visualised the bands of my uterus drawing up.

At 4.45pm I was checked and was 9cm and bub had dropped in where he belonged, I was starting to feel the need to push but kept breathing through, confident my body knew what it was doing.

My OB arrived 15 minutes later and calmly talked me through guided pushing through surges and prepared to deliver as I continued to labour on my left side.

I had an incredibly intense surge and bore down pushing 3 times. I could feel bub moving downward, I could feel him progressing and I remember looking at my partner and saying 'I feel good, I can do this!'

Before the second surge the midwife told me to start pushing and I refused, I knew when to start, I trusted my body and sure enough felt the pressure intensify and pushed when I needed to.

With a third and final incredibly intense and long surge our little man was here at 5.25pm!!

He was put on my chest instantly and attached to the breast. I remember we were both shocked and felt in awe of what had just happened. Not another 3 day traumatic labour, but instead this beautiful experience that left us feeling healed and empowered and ridiculously happy.

I did have a small 2nd degree tear which has given me no issues, and I am positive that such an experience has also helped Beau latch and feed so much easier than his sister.

We are absolutely in love and I am so grateful and proud to have birthed our boy the way I did.


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