Birth story - Courtney and baby Cici
So Friday 5th July was my last day at work before breaking off for maternity leave. My "due date" was 21st July so I thought I'd give myself 2 weeks before baby could potentially arrive because first babies are always late aren't they?!
Saturday 6th July. I had lunch out planned with my Mum and Auntie. It was a nice day so I walked down to the next street for them to pick me up. I was having slight niggles whilst walking really slow. It felt like baby was ready to drop but I thought, nahh this it far too early. As the day went on, I couldn't work out if I just felt tired and a bit under the weather or if something was happening. I went to bed with slight period type belly ache.
Sunday 7th July. Woke up with the same sort of pains. Went to the toilet and my plug went. I wasn't sure at the time but I was sat on the toilet googling images and was sure it was. Not long after, the diarrhoea came. Lasted pretty much all morning. I did think to my self, God I hope I don't do this in the birthing pool! I re watched some of the videos about early labour and what the signs could be. This must be it. My plug had gone, I'd cleared my bowels quite literally and I was having little twinges. How exciting. Siobhan says that when the plug goes baby could come possibly the same day or maybe up to 5 days after. I was going to have a baby very soon! I went about the day just relaxing and making sure everything in my hospital bag was ready. Niggles were on and off throughout the day. Got my self an early night.
Monday 8th July. Would today be the day? Niggles were still there but nothing too major. I had a midwife appointment at 10am. I told them my plug had gone and I was having niggles. They did the routine check of measuring me. At this point I was 38 weeks + 1 but measuring at 35 weeks. They rang the hospital to book me in for a growth scan the following day and booked me in for my 40 week appointment where they would offer me a sweep. I knew I wouldn't have this anyway as baby would come when baby is ready. I had a feeling I wasn't going to make that appointment anyway! Had breakfast out with partner after the appointment and just had a bagel as didn't want anything too heavy. Another day spent chilling. By about 6pm, the surges had got little bit more but I used the up breathing and managed fine. Partner went out to get my favourite snacks whilst I watched the Monday night soaps!
Tuesday 9th July. I must have got up about 4/5 times for a wee. It was 4am. Did I just wee or did my waters just go? I got out of bed trying to keep my legs crossed until I got to the toilet. Yep pretty sure that was my waters. There was a little blood so I rang the birth centre to let them know and they advised me to come in to just check me over. Woke up partner and tried not to panic him too much. Off we went to the Maple Ward. They confirmed my waters had gone and that the blood was just mucus blood and nothing to worry about. They hooked me up to the monitor for a an hour and everything looked good but it was obviously too early so off I went back home via McDonalds. We got back home about 7am so partner went back to sleep for a few hours whilst I bounced on my ball and started doing the up breathing again. By 12pm the surges were starting to get closer together but not close enough that I thought it was time. 1pm and I thought I need to ring them. She listened to me on the phone for a while to see how far apart they were. She told me to come in but not to rush. We arrived at the Birth Centre and got given our room. It was lovely. Didn't feel clinical at all. It was about 2pm before I got seen to. The midwife checked to see how dilated I was. I was 3cm. Better than 1 or 2 I thought. I had my growth scan booked in at 3pm so I waited about in my room until then (still up breathing). Grown scan was fine which meant I could still have a water birth. 3.30pm until 6pm I constantly either walked about, bounced on a ball or leant over the pool. 6pm came and I felt a change. I really, really, really thought I was going to poo on the bed! Literally feels like you can't stop your self and you're going to poo (which is totally fine if you do) Oh and I started mooing. I'd told my partner this may happen and he didn't believe me. He got the midwife who checked me again. I was 7cm. I'd got to this point by just breathing. I always thought before I was pregnant that I'd definitely want an epidural but it hadn't even crossed my mind. The midwife filled up the birthing pool and put on some music.
As soon as I got in, I instantly fell more relaxed. My partner had let my Mum know to make her way. She arrived at 6.30pm. I had some gas and air which helped me through the surges. It finally felt like I needed to push. Now came the down breathing. I could feel the head crowning. I knew it wasn't going to be long. I had my eyes closed and was in the zone. I heard my mum say my name. I opened my eyes and there she was, I didn't realise she was actually out. My beautiful daughter Cici. She arrived at 7.31pm and weighed 7lb 5oz. I had delayed cord clamping for about 10 minutes and then the cord was cut by my Mum.
The newborn bubble is just amazing! We were in love. What an experience and a positive one too! I really feel like doing the positive birth company course really helped me. As a first time Mum, not knowing what to expect, I felt after doing the course, I knew exactly what was happening.
I have told my pregnant friends all about this course. Hopefully they'll have a positive experience too!
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