Birth story - Clare and baby boy

*Trigger warning* - use of the words contraction, pain, episiotomy and forceps.

It’s taken me a while to write this but I really enjoyed reading peoples birth stories when I was pregnant and hope this is helpful to others.


My pregnancy was pretty straight forward although, due to having Ulcerative Colitis (IBD), I was consultant led. I had additional scans and at my 36 week scan there were concerns baby wasn’t growing, I was also experiencing a colitis flare so an induction was suggested which, after using my BRAIN, I agreed to, albeit sad this would mean no water birth.


I was admitted late afternoon and had the pessary inserted. During the night and following day I used a birthing ball and walked around the hospital grounds. I had some very mild tightenings and some of my waters went. At midnight I was taken up to the delivery suite where they broke the rest of my waters. From then things sped up very quickly and I was fully dilated 2 hours later!

Due to the speed at which I became fully dilated I struggled with the intensity of the contractions. I initially started with gas and air but requested an epidural due to the pain (not knowing how far along I was). Once I started ‘mooing’ the midwives realised I was further along, they did an examination and told me I was fully dilated.

I started pushing but baby’s shoulder kept pushing on a nerve which caused a lot of pain. I used my BRAIN and requested an episiotomy and forceps to help get baby out.

I was taken to theatre and given a spinal, a few pushes later and our beautiful baby was born.

Without the PBC I don’t think my experience would have been as positive and although the birth wasn’t what I planned, I felt prepared and in control throughout.


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