Birth story - Christine and baby Olav


I was about to give my husband a lift to his job when my waters started leaking. At first I was not sure if I had just wet myself or if it was the amniotic fluid. But a few minutes later it continued and the surges started kicking in. They were 8 minutes apart.

My husband and I made some breakfast and relaxed on the sofa watching a movie. Then we played scrabble while I was bouncing on my Pilates ball. I was using my TENS machine and found that to be very helpful, also when the surges got stronger. In fact that was the only thing I used during my labour and I didn’t turn it off until I was actively pushing. I really recommend using a TENS machine!

When the surges came every fifth minute we drove to our birth centre. Here in Bergen, Norway we have a department called Storken where they are all about natural birth. This is where we went.

At arrival I was 3 cm. Next time they checked I was already 8, almost 9! I couldn’t believe how quickly that had gone and I felt so motivated. I was surprised how well the up breathing was working and making me feel like “I’ve got this!”. I never once asked for pain relief - because honestly, it was not pain. It was just really intense.


When I think back on the birth I feel so proud and happy. I couldn’t have asked for a better labour. And I feel so lucky to have had such an easy and fast labour being my first and all. I believe The Positive Birth Company made me handle birth this way. It was so nice to feel informed of everything that was happening to my body. And it made the ‘pain’ feel like it was not pain at all. It really helped knowing what the feelings came from and why they were important for my son to be born. I will recommend the digital pack to everyone I know.

Good luck superwomen who is about to give birth, you’ve got this! 💪🏼


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