Birth story - Chloe and baby Rubie

I had the most amazing planned homebirth, I was very nervous this time around as my first experience of childbirth was traumatic. It went on for 4 days being intoxicated with every pain relief possible, hormonal drip, waters being popped and then resulting in episiotomy and forceps. So second time round I wanted to take full control and I was always interested in hypnobirthing and really wanted to see if thoughts do become things. I’m a big believer in the secret law of attraction. So I planned my homebirth I wanted the pretty lights and the birthing pool and my meditation music on and affirmations pinned up ready for partner.

It was Saturday 17th April this was the date I had worked out baby was due but hospital had changed it to the 14th April. So I had gone over what was called the ‘due date’. That evening about 6pm I started getting period pains and I felt like baby was getting really low. I thought I should plait my hair now incase things move quickly maybe my gut instinct was strong as it was quick.

By 8pm I was leaning on my ball having surges, trying to ride it out with my breathing we agreed not to peak too soon with the tens machine and concentrate on affirmations and breathing. I had a wobble, I burst in to tears saying I couldn’t do it and I was scared. So my partner straight away put some PBC vidoes on you tube and with some words of wisdom I calmed down. I couldn’t sit on the ball I really felt like it was pushing baby back up, so every time my surge came I bent over on my hands and knees thinking UFO.

At 8.30pm I was sick and felt like I was further along than we thought and I could tell as I had started making the mooing noise, it was transitioning phase. By 9pm my sister arrived and I started losing my bloody show, I did take two paracetamol then which I know actually slows labour down so maybe I took it as a placebo.

I started using the Freya app and was bent over my sofa as I found that easier, 10pm my next surge came up (they always started at my bottom then up) and I felt a huge pop and warm water down my legs. My partner was on the phone to the midwife who then said to call an ambulance, I was then shouting I felt like I needed to pussshhh as another surge came.

For a second when I heard ambulance I thought oh no I can’t do it I’m going to have to give in and just let them do an epidural like last time but I found my inner warrior strength and continued to breath. By 10.36pm the two paramedics came who were amazing. She offered me gas and air but I declined as I really wanted to feel it all with a clear head and in the moment. The head was crowning and by 10.50 the head was out and then a knock on our door and my lovely midwife had made it in time. She asked me if I was having another surge, to which I said I didn’t think so and she told me to give her a push anyway, she apologised for saying push as I didn’t want that word used. With her help, and me breathing my baby out, I had a surprise baby girl.

It was honestly so amazing and didn’t hurt, I felt like it only stung and then it was pure relief as soon as her head was out. I want to do it all again and again. I feel truly blessed to have had a wonderful birthing experience, it’s a shame I didn’t make it into the pool but I got to get a new rug instead and big sister got to meet her new baby Rubie for the first time and at home. Thank you PBC XXX

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