Birth story - Chiara and baby Lydia
*Trigger warning* - mentions about previous induction with unplanned c-section, contractions (not negative for me) ventouse and episiotomy.
First time I was induced for reduced movements at 40w, contractions started really strong, I was not prepared, did not study anything. I spent many hours lying in bed asking for any kind of pain reliefs, ended up in unplanned c-section for baby being in distress, dilated only 5cm. Baby went in NICU and I did not have the skin to skin.
Second time, I bought the digital pack of the positive birth company + positive affirmation cards, watched the videos with my husband, and listened the positive affirmations often.
I lost mucus plug on Saturday 03.06 at 11pm and woke up at 4am with mild period pain contractions.
Around 10am contractions were lasting between 50sec and 1 and half min.
12 o’clock they were getting more close and intense, probably already active labour.
My husband quickly organized the childcare for my son and at 2pm we managed to leave home.
Hospital is 35min far by car, the longest 35 min I had in my life!
Got there and after few minutes they understood that I had to rush to the labour ward quickly.
As soon as I got in the room my water broke and my body started to push.
I was in all four and felt comfortable but my baby heart beat was too high and they told me that the baby needed to come out asap.
I have been asked to lie down on my back to help the baby with ventouse and episiotomy.
I was not happy but I did not want to make my baby in distress.
I honestly say that I did not use my BRAIN, but I was not able in the moment and my husband did not help in this way.
In the end I got my VBAC and I had no bad consequences from the ventouse and the episiotomy.
I had my skin to skin, delayed cord clamping and I really enjoyed every single moment.🩷

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