Birth story - Chelsea and baby boy


On the 20th of April I went for my routine midwife appointment, I’d been 3cm under ever since they started measuring me, but I was told I could allow 3cm difference and was classed as small - but ok. However at this appointment I measured 3cm under again so the midwife sent me for a scan at our local hospital. They soon told me I was breach (even though I’d been told all along baby was head down) and baby was a lot smaller then they would expect at this point, so they called a doctor over and he said that as the baby was breach and small in size it wasn’t a good idea to try to turn them, and given their size and the unknown reason for their growth to have slowed... he wanted to deliver baby by caesarean at 37 weeks... and I was 36+5 at that point so that meant it was that Wednesday! 

I was obviously a bit shocked, and I had gone through all of this on my own as my husband couldn’t come to the hospital with me due to COVID. But I remained calm and listened to what the doctor told me. I was obviously concerned myself about why our baby was small, and I think if we weren’t in this current situation they may have sent me home offered me regular monitoring. But understandably I think they wanted to avoid regular trips in and out of hospital. 

So, I went home and told my husband the news that in 2 days our baby was going to be here! I was so relieved I could actually go home and spend time with our son and prepare. During that time I repacked my hospital bag, with the new mind set that I was going in for a caesarean. I packed a few more bits for myself and the baby as I assumed we’d be in for a longer stay! And I managed to rewrite our birth preferences to suit a caesarean. 

Wednesday morning came and my husband dropped me to the ward at 8am where all mine and baby’s checks were carried out. I took some lavender oil with me and some positive birth quotes and photos of my first son when he was born and a few other photos that made me feel happy. I was calm and relaxed the whole time, and patiently waited until I got the news it was time to go. Then at 11.30 I was told to message my husband to meet me on the delivery ward. 

The theatre team were amazing. Really respectful of our wishes. I listened to my Freya app the whole time, did my up breathing throughout, had some lavender oil on a flannel. They delivered our baby slowly and gently... we requested delayed cord clamping which they did, we didn’t know the sex of our baby so once they were out they dropped the screen and revealed it was another little boy! When they could see baby was fine they put him straight on my chest for skin to skin and he had latched on for his first feed within the hour 🤗 it was a wonderful experience. They predicted baby to be about 4 1/2 lb... but he was actually 5lb4! And didn’t require an incubator and could have skin to skin with me and my husband.


The three of us were taken onto a little recovery ward where we spent about 2 hours together. My husband had a chance to hold our baby after he finished his first feed, and we had tea and toast together! When it was time for me to go down to the ward I was going to be staying on, we knew my husband had to leave. But it was ok, we knew this would happen, and I wasn’t going to be on my own... my baby was with me. 


So all together it was the polar opposite to the dreamy water birth I had envisioned! But it just proved that when things don’t go as you expect, and even during crazy COVID times, that nothing comes between you and your baby. And however they end up coming into the world it will still be an amazing experience. I cannot fault our nhs and the care we were given.

We were allowed home 2 days later on the Friday (our first sons 2nd birthday) It had been a manic few days... but they were still amazing!

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