Birth story - Caroline and baby boy

This was my 3rd birth, 4th baby, I had a single baby and then twins which I was induced for both and, although quick, I was monitored and on a bed and panicked through both of them. Looking back they weren’t good experiences.

After finding out I was having a ‘low risk’ pregnancy this time, I was determined to try hypnobirthing and wanted a water birth in a calm environment.

So I got your pack and, it sounds silly but, I was amazed by how much sense the science behind it all made and how helpful the breathing and the affirmations were.

I listened to it everyday from about 30 weeks but wish I’d started earlier!

As I was induced early with my other babies I got closer to the due date and was stressed and worried but, ‘the baby will come when baby is ready,’ kept playing in my mind. Also knowing that my baby wouldn’t come unless I had lots of oxytocin and that if I was stressed he wouldn’t come, made me relax and know that he would eventually come!

And he did at 40+1 my waters broke and we went straight to the birth centre.

I had no internal checks, just Doppler to see how he was doing and was in the pool after just an hour of arriving and he was born in the pool an hour later.


My husband couldn’t believe how relaxed I was and said that I went into a kind of trance between each surge. In my head I was saying, ‘each surge brings me closer to my baby,’ which I found really helped.

It was calm, quick, 3 hrs 45 mins from waters going at home to him in my arms, but just amazing and he’s such a chilled out baby. If that’s because of the hypnobirthing and that he was born in a relaxed calm place I don’t know but I wanted to say thank you and I’m spreading the word!!


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