Birth story - Bryony and baby Hector

Second time Mum


Vaginal birth

I had excitedly planned a home birth for my 2nd pregnancy after my first labour had so few complications, I had a spontaneous labour with water birth at birthing centre at 39 weeks + 2 days. The Midwives were due to go on call for me from 38weeks, with home birth boxes being delivered the same week, and we had placed a reservation on a hired birthing pool.

However... That plan did not materialise.

I lost a plug of mucus on at 36 weeks + 5 days, so hurriedly arranged to finish work that day and start maternity leave the next day. I spent the rest of the week hoping baby would stay put until at least 37 weeks when he would be "term" rather than premature (so we wouldn't be advised to go straight to labour ward).

Four days after starting mat leave, at 37 weeks +2 days, I found I was getting regular surges about 10-12 minutes apart at 8am in the morning. I found these entirely comfortable and manageable with hypnobirthing breathing and using the "Freya" app. I continued life at home (including making a beef stew for the slow cooker and brownies). I called triage at 10:30 to say "contractions" were now about 6 mins apart and they confirmed I would be able to go to the birthing centre. I also called my midwife who was sorry to say that, as I was in labour before they were on call for me and the kit boxes hadn't been delivered, they couldn't support a home birth, so I'd have to go to hospital or the midwife led birthing centre. She said she was sorry etc etc.

However, this is where I had not thought everything out... I had not prepared for a labour that would involve independent transfer to a birthing centre/hospital. I had assumed we would have Midwives in attendance who would tell us, if and when a transfer was needed. All that was stuck in my head was "go to birthing centre when you are in established labour (surges 3-4 mins apart) and have been so for an hour" - advice from my first pregnancy. The last thing I wanted was to go to hospital and be sent home if not dilated enough.

So I carried on at home, on my feet, cooking and caring, stopping to lean on my husband or the breakfast bar, doing guided breathing with the Freya app. At about 12pm the surges became more intense and were now 4 mins apart, so I put on the Tens machine and my husband hurriedly fed our son and arranged to take him and the dog to our friends' who were on call to take them on birthing day. He left home with both of them about 12:30.

I cleared up lunch, and moved my hospital bag and birth ball to the hall ready to get in the car when my husband returned. However, during this time I must have moved in to the 2nd stage labour. I found myself starting to bear down "push" and moo. My phone was still plugged in on the kitchen counter, playing Freya app soothing tracks. I was still completely calm and confident. I was nailing this labour but I didn't really believe baby would arrive until we were at the birth centre. Then my waters broke with a loud pop! My jeans were soaked. My first thought was "I'd better change, I can't travel in the car with wet trousers" so I pulled them down to my knees, but then the next surge arrived and I felt the baby moving down the birth canal and I could feel the top of the head with my fingers... I grabbed the dog's towel from the hall bench to mop up the waters and provide a landing ground, leaned on the birth ball and with the next surge our second son, Hector, was born landing with a bump on the hall floor. He cried briefly, but was breathing and had good muscle tone. I carefully took off my jeans, pants, and top, picked him up and held him to my chest. I had done it - birthed my son calmly and alone, at home!

About 3 minutes later my husband walked back in the front door. His face was a picture! He called 999 for the paramedics, the operator stayed on the line with us until they arrived at 13:50, checking baby was breathing, telling us not to twist the unbiblical cord. Then, after 5 mins they told us to tie the umbilical cord 6 inches from the infant and to cover both mother and infant with towels and blankets. Ironically, in this waiting period, the birthing pool was delivered by courier! We had great care from the paramedics and were transferred to the midwife led birth unit at Royal Edinburgh Infirmary.

I opted for a managed 3rd stage, as I had not delivered the placenta by 1.5 hrs post delivery. Our "golden hour" hadn't happened quite as I'd anticipated, being occupied with an ambulance ride! I had a small tear which the Midwives closed. We could have gone home.. But baby had got cold in transfer to hospital and wasn't feeding well, so we opted to stay one night in the birthing centre ward to have support with starting breastfeeding (while my husband went home to clean up the birthing mess...)

I felt like a superwoman. I had birthed and delivered my baby myself. And he was beautiful and perfect.

Thank you to the Positive Birth Company for making my birth such an empowering and amazing experience, and to the NHS for the wonderful care we received.

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