Birth story - Bree and baby Bella

on Tuesday 13th November I went for a preplanned sweep appointment which ended up only being an examination as my cervix was too high and thick which left me feeling deflated as I wanted my baby in my arms. We rebooked a ‘Stretch and Sweep’ for Friday 16th November.

Wednesday 14th I woke up gave my other half his birthday presents etc had breakfast all fine. Later on I began to loose my ‘plug’ unconcerned I continued my day went for a meal that evening and experience what I thought must have been Braxton Hicks all night.

Thursday 15th I was still loosing my plug and experiencing very mild discomfort like period pain. I went for a meal with my family an HOUR from home (feeling confident my pains weren’t the real thing) while out my pains were becoming more unbearable which is where I began using my up breathing to get through these pains. I returned home just before 11 and thought I’d get my head down incase they become unbearable and were the ‘real thing’ which I was still uncertain if it was.

Friday 16th I managed to sleep until 1.30am when I was woken by a real strong surge I began timing them as I couldn’t sleep. I tried my birthing ball to release any discomfort and many different positions but nothing was comfortable other than standing and walking around. At 5.30am my surges were every 4-5 minutes so we called hospital but were told to take paracetamol and see if it helps ease any pain. At this point we hadn’t slept and were tired and slightly annoyed. Doing as advised I continued walking around and breathing through my surges. After 45minutes they were every 3-4 minutes and I couldn’t sit down, my feet were sore and I felt like giving up, we rang up and they said I could come in for an examination and to bring my bags but don’t bring them in as I may be sent home. We arrived at the assessment unit just before 7 and I was examined the midwife was shocked to see I was 4cm and she could stretch to 5cm!

I was then admitted and transferred to the MLU in the hospital. I continued walking, talking, eating and using my breathing when my surges were coming. Around 9am they were becoming very unbearable and I got into the pool which immediately relieved the discomfort between the surges. We continued breathing through my surges with my partner massaging my lower back until around 10.15 when my back pain moved all to the front and I was struggling to breath through and stay calm. I was then offered gas and air which I took and it helped hugely! We continued breathing through all surges, chatting between them about 'I’m a celeb starting on Sunday and about the songs on the radio as well as eating my favourite sweets!


Just before 11am I began feeling lots of pressure below and was offered another examination, during which my waters broke I was 9cm. My baby was nearly ready to face to world I soon switched to down breathing as midwives told me to go with my own body and what it was telling me to do after 53 minutes of ‘pushing’ Bella Blue was born at 12.13pm (weighing 7lb 2 even after concerns of her being a small baby). My placenta came out less then 22 minutes after.


I cannot thank the positive birth company enough for the online course they have! I felt so empowered and everyone around me were amazed at how well I handled every stage! Me and baby were home by 6.30 that evening!



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