Birth story - Bonnie and baby Ezra
I purchased the hypnobirthing pack at christmas time when i was around 29 weeks pregnant. I was planning on going for a waterbirth at my midwife led unit with minimal pain relief. The pack helped me so much, from practicing up breathing, to understanding how my body works, especially with understanding surges! I felt positive about the whole thing, and was looking forward to meeting my baby boy.
From about 31 weeks onwards i could feel my babies head, rock hard at the top of my stomach. At my 34 week midwife appointment i mentioned this to my midwife and that i thought he was breech. The midwife had a feel and confirmed, but we were not concerned as she made me aware we have until 36weeks to try get him moving!
I took the midwifes advice and tried going for walks, tried sitting in certain positions and looked up on the website called 'spinning babies'. Unfortunately by my 36 week appointment the little fella still hadnt moved. I got sent for a scan to confirm his position 2 days later. He was Frank Breech. This didnt suprise me as i hadnt felt him turn and i also was a breech baby.
The sonographer was very helpful, checked baby over and confirmed he was all healthy, just very comfy in the position he is in and probably wont budge. She gave me a leaflet and advised me to wait in the waiting area for a doctor to discuss next steps.
I was offered 3 options, turning the baby, also known as ECV, going for a vaginal birth, or an elective cesarean. Using my B.R.A.I.N i came to the decision that an elective cesarean would be the best option for me.
Going with my decision i was booked in for my cesarean in 2 weeks time, at 39weeks. It was all starting to become real!
Once we got the hospital at 7:30am i was shown to the recovery room, where my bed was, where i put on my stockings (not the most comfortable) got changed and signed a few forms. I was very nervous but managed to stay calm due to practicing the up breathing techniques. We were then told that there were 3 of us going down for electives today and i would be the second out of the 3! Wow its starting to hit me, im going to meet my little boy!
After 2 hours of waiting very patiently i was taken down to theatre at 9:45. It was a very calm environment, alot brighter than i imagined. The surgeons and anaesthetist were very informative throughout and they made sure i was happy and understood everything that they were doing.
The worst part for me was the spinal, however i was holding the surgeons hand, the positive affirmations were going round in my head and again i was using up breathing to keep me calm throughout. Even though it wasnt my choice of music, there was a radio playing in theatre also, which made me alot more relaxed and i could take my mind of it.
The midwife then went to get my partner who sat next to my head in his blue scrubs all set. And my gosh, ive never been so relieved and pleased to see him. After chatting away for 10mins or so about how excited we were, little Ezra was born at 10:25am and all i heard was a little cry and my partner saying 'look at his hair' as he was held in the air for me to see!
He was then placed on my chest for skin to skin straight away whilst they stitched me up. It was the most magical moment of my life that i will never forget.
Even though it wasn’t the birth I originally wanted or had planned, it couldn’t have gone better. All staff that helped me at the hospital were amazing and this most definitely was a positive birth in my eyes.
I was a bag of nerves the day before, but because of this pack it has helped me understand the procedure and enter the experience in a positive way of which i will not be scared or worried if i have to have another one in future births! Amazing.
The Positive Birth Company- Thank You!! Xx

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