Birth story - Becky and baby Isla
I had my first baby in 2016 who was breech. One unsucessful ECV and a lot of home method attempts at getting him to turn led to being booked in for a cesarean section. Whilst this was absolutley the right decision at the time, and a very straighforward birth, I felt like I had no alternative and so when baby 2 came along I wanted a different experience. I'm so pleased I came across the online course.. total positive game changer!
I spend the week before Isla was born in and out of hospital - previous surgery then a water infection, and reduced movements all in a week. A second period of reduced of movement at 38+3 led to my consultant telling me that he thought it best to induce me the next morning. I used BRAIN and accepted.
Due to the previous section I was induced via balloon catheter instead of pessary with the goal to coax my cervix into action and hopefully start labour without too much interference. This was actually the thing I was most nervous about as I had come across really negative stories about catheter induction. The Dr was so amazing, and even counted me through the up breathing whilst she worked. I couldn't go home as I needed regular monitoring so I spent the next 24 hours bouncing on a ball, watching Netflix (abusing Tom's data!), and sending Tom periodically to Sainsbury's for tasty treats! Other than some period type cramp and losing my plug it was quite uneventful.
Sunday morning came around and I was introduced to my midwife Anne and student Jess and we made a plan. These two were AMAZING, they were both really supportive of the VBAC which was really encouraging. We had a really positive discussion about all of my options and decided I would be moved to delivery suite to have my waters broken. After a couple of hours, a massive breakfast and being stuck on the bed we then chatted again and the drip was introduced. Anne also suggested popping a clip onto babies head for her heart monitoring so that I didn't have to keep wearing the bump monitor. I’m so grateful for this as it meant I could walk and bounce away all I liked!
After around 4 hours I was getting around 4 surges every 10 minutes and they were getting longer and more and more powerful with each one. I again used up breathing and focused on getting through each one as they came. At around 5pm I tried some gas and air but I decided quite quickly that I didn't like it. I didn't feel like it made any difference to the pain from the surges, and I was getting frustrated that I couldn't breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth like I had practiced. Up breathing, standing up, Tom's encouragement and my playlist was definitely better more effective.
About 5 minutes later the intensity of the surges ramped up a gear and I could no longer stand, switch to kneeling over the back of the bed. I asked to be examined and Jess told me I was about 5-6cms so had made great progress. I then decided it was time for something stronger. I had a low dose of diamorphine which didn't do much for me in terms of pain intensity, but it did make me sleepy between surges and I felt far more rested between them.
By 6pm my body took over and I was gripping onto Tom and announcing "I can't do this". Baby had also decided she was not happy and her heart rate kept dipping. Tom was amazing. He talked me round my wobble and told me how powerful I am, and somehow kept me calm when 5 staff turned up at once to discuss options for me as they were getting concerned about her heart rate.
As they started to talk I got an immense pressure in my bum and told Jess I felt like I needed a poo. She had a little look down and then asked everyone to stop talking to give me a moment to listen to my body which suddenly completely overwhelmed me. Six minutes later Jess asked me to take some deep calm breaths as her head had been born. Another big surge and she came out! Tom cut my (really short! - and probably why her heart rate dipped as she was coming down the birth canal) cord after a lovely long delay and I had skin to skin while waiting for the placenta which popped out after a gentle nudge from Jess (I was really anxious about the unknown for this bit but I barely noticed it).
About an hour later we had her weighed (7lb 4.5oz), Tom got some Daddy cuddles and I had an examination (no damage.. wow!) the best shower EVER and some tea and toast and we're done.
The online course really was my birth armour. Tom was so amazing at using BRAIN so that I could be calm and make informed decisions, and up-breathing was simply invaluable. Jess was also such a supportive (still a student) midwife. Thanks to both, my body managed a successful VBAC with a short labour and I'm in total awe of it!

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