Birth story - Ariadna and baby Hawa

I fell pregnant on the first try and had a wonderful pregnancy, I always dreamed about being pregnant and becoming a mum. Weeks passed by and she was so comfortable, I always thought she was going to come early because I ate 6 dates a day, drank tons of raspberry leaf tea, bounced on the ball for hours, took evening primrose oil, walked 10km a day until the day before and practised hypnobirthing from 32w. But no... I was booked for an induction on Tuesday 26th at 8am and my waters broke on Monday 25th at 8am, 24h before.

While I was leaking water in the dark I remember telling my partner ‘You don’t hear it, do you?’ to what he replied ‘It’s raining, so what?’ 

We had a lovely breakfast and went to the hospital. At 10 am I was 1cm and my cervix was 100% effaced, we decided (using BRAIN) to try the Propess since I had no signs of labour. We were given a room so we could relax and wait for things to move forward. I ate fresh fruit and drank water and by 1 pm the surges started (5min a part). I wanted to move so we decided to walk around the hospital and climb stairs. They started to be very strong by 8pm (2min a part), so we went back to the room and took a shower. My partner cheered me up and kept massaging me all the time.

At 11 pm we went down to the labour ward and I was 4 cm, we decided to break the rest of the waters. Like waterfalls, they had to change my bed 4 times. By 1 am my surges were 1 min apart and I asked for the Epidural. I slept for a while since I hadn’t been able to eat or sleep in 12 hours. My body needed the energy for what was about to come.

By the time I woke up I was 10 cm and pushed for around 20 min and she was born, at 3.37 am! She started breastfeeding 10min later and the placenta was delivered right after. I had one tear and one stitch. I cried a lot (happy tears) and stayed in shock for two days straight!


I enjoyed each and every moment from it, I used up-breathing and down-breathing (since Epidural effect was off by the time I was pushing) and lived everything as one of the most powerful and wonderful experiences of my life. Hypnobirthing made me feel empowered and informed on every decision we took.

Thank you all for every story, I still read them, and now finally, for reading us ❤️“

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