Birth story - Anne-Lise and baby Isaac

My first labour was awful (heavily medicalised, induced early,felt like I had no say, forceps in theatre) I bought the digital pack after a friend of mine recommended it and it really appealed to me straight away.

My due date came and went. I tried to remain calm but anxiety really kicked in at around 40+5 with the idea of an induction looming... at 41+1 I woke up with mild contractions. Using my BRAIN I accepted a sweep. I was only 1cm. For the whole day, my surges came quite regularly. I called my in laws to watch my son and we all went out for dinner around 6pm. I opened my Freya App and laboured over dinner ( 😂 as you do ) but felt really calm and positive. Surges came every 3mins but I was feeling completely fine and in control using the up breathing. At 8pm we put my son to bed and I gave him a huge hug good night. As I was in established labour we called the maternity unit. If I am honest I wanted to stay home as I felt it was too early... Little did I know.

We got to the hospital at 8.50pm. I was 5cm dilated but felt completely in control using the Freya app. Because I had had reduced movements the midwife told me they would need to monitor my baby heartbeat for 10-15 mins.


I was in the zone and did not mind. At 9.30 pm my waters broke. Then the surges became really intense but I was still in the zone staring at the app. The midwife told me she would take me to the labour ward ASAP. No time for the pool. My husband took over the app counting me in for 4 and out for 8 as I could not stare at the screen anymore ( it was amazing to get his support at that point).


I got to the labour ward at 8.45pm and then I felt like I was losing control ( I did not realise I was at transition point so quickly). I refused to get on the bed and squatted down in front of it. The midwife was amazing and basically told me : “ you do what you want. I follow your lead”. Here came the mooing noise and I realised I wanted to push. They offered me gas and air but I suddenly went into warrior mode ( 😂) and started using the down breathing. It was just amazing. I felt so much power coming over me . I pushed once and his head was out. I pushed again with so much strength and focus still using the breathing technique and he was out at 10pm.


I pulled him up and started crying. I have never felt so much happiness in my life. I felt like a superhuman. They let me hug baby while still attached to the cord. I delivered the placenta and only had 1 stitch.


Thank you so much for the digital pack, online help and the Freya app. I never thought I would be able to deliver my baby this way.


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Birth story - Beth and baby Riley


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