Birth story - Anna and baby girl

After a lovely water birth with my first along with gas and air. I had very small gaps between surges and made a fair bit of noise. (My husband could hear me from the car park) So I wanted to give hypnobirthing a go this time, to get my breathing under control.

So on the Saturday morning, my waters started gushing and continued most of the day, while we went out for the day and had a check at the hospital later. We got booked in for an induction the next morning as my waters had broken. But I was already having surges that got stronger throughout the day.

Come the evening I felt it was time to go in to the MLU. We are about 45mins away, and with a fairly quick birth first time I didn't want to leave it too late. Surges were about 4 -5mins apart and over a minute long.

But as soon as I got in the car everything pretty much stopped. I tried all sorts of positions and things to get them going while there. But decided to go home and get some sleep as it was getting late and to prepare for an induction. Managed to get some sleep at home, while surges started up again just as strong but not as close together. Again on the way to hospital the surges stopped. So it was definitely induction time to get things going again.

When the pessary went in I was 2cm and I was free to move around. 20mins later at 12 I had my first surge again. Then another 20mins later. Then they started getting closer together quite quickly until they came at 3mins apart. The breathing was invaluable throughout this part. Although I was struggling at times to get my breathing under control. But concentrating on it helped.

I called in the midwife, she put me on the monitor. While being monitored I asked if I could still use the pool. I was in luck, the pool was mine to use and being prepared for me. I wanted some gas and air and was told there was a portable one in the ward somewhere and someone was getting it.

A quick dilation check before moving me to delivery. 7cm! So at this point I was thinking I still had plenty of time to use the pool. I got out of bed to get into a better position. But as soon as I stood up, I could feel her head coming. So I gracefully wailed at the midwifes I needed to poo! She was born a few minutes later where I stood, 2 hours after having the pessary. I was a bit shocked that I'd gone from 7cm to giving birth in about 5 minutes.


I didn't get to use the MLU, the pool or the gas and air as planned (gas turned up once I'd given birth). But I really didn't need them. The breathing techniques are all I really needed. Even if I did struggle at times. I'm really grateful for this course, it really is fantastic!

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