Birth story - Anna and baby girl

I had a wonderful birth of my little 8lb14oz daughter on 6th May.

I was twelve days over and to await a phone call to be brought in for induction that day.

I woke about 4:30am and went downstairs to watch last videos/send the link to husband about soft touch massage as a reminder! Also I got out my positive affirmations cards. All just to prepare myself for induction and what lay ahead.

I must’ve started feeling something and started the Freya app.

I phoned the hospital at 9am saying my (Freya) app told me I was in established labour. 😆

Not long after, my waters broke in the toilet which really shocked me it was explosive 🤦🏽‍♀️. And I reached to see if I could feel her head!

After another contraction downstairs, the car was packed and off we went. I needed a wheelchair to triage where they confirmed I was fully dilated/“no cervix”!?! then wheeled in bed up to home from home (id watched enough hospital programs to know those beds wheel. And I wasn’t up for moving unnecessarily 😂)

I waited a little for pool to be filled and got in.

I was expecting a much bigger baby and didn’t want to tear if I could help it, so despite the midwife having to phone my husband who was parking the car to tell him to run, they could see the head 😄, he said he still had plenty of time and even went to the toilet 👀😄🙄. Baby’s heart was checked after each contraction so I knew she was fine and I also kept asking the midwife if I had to get her out already. I knew each time I was stretching a bit and hoped making it easier for the final one! I also really enjoyed growing her and knew she’d never be going back in there 💕😄 so no big rush (unless medically advised).

With gas and air and PBC advised breathing I took my time and breathed her out at 12:17pm.


PBC and Freya were such helps in bringing me confidence and courage even being 12days over and my last opportunity to go naturally! I held off a second sweep and timing was perfect.

(My husband was working the two days prior in a job he couldn’t really get out of. And the Belfast marathon the day before would have caused traffic issues 😆😄😄)

So grateful that all was well. Thankyou PBC.

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