Birth story - Alysha and baby Finley
❌ Use of the words “contraction” and “pain”, Graze, stitches
My birth story
I was woken Tuesday 25th August at 6:10 by what I could only describe as intense period pain. I had 3 bouts of this pain in the space of an hour and a half. But I thought nothing of it, just another one of those pregnancy things!
Fast forward to 12:30pm I had just got back from a nice walk over the fields behind where I live. This was when these pains were getting more regular at about 3 minutes apart. This was the point I thought this could be the real thing. I wasn't scared or worried. I timed them for an hour and a half before calling my husband to give him the heads up that it could be time. I told him to stay at work and I would get hold of St Peter's and let him know what was happening. I tried to get hold of St Peter's for 30 minutes only to find out I was actually calling the wrong number!
I explained what was happening and they advised to stay at home as long as possible, which I had planned to do anyway. I let me husband know that I was advised to stay at home so he might as well stay at work as by this time he only had about an hour left before he finished.
When he got in he suggested that we could go to his parents as they lived only 2 minutes from the hospital. This was fine, I finished tidying the house as if this was the real thing then I wouldn't be coming home without my baby. We got to my in laws around 6pm had a pizza although I didn't feel like eating.
From this point on it is very hazy and I don't remember the finer details but I will try my best.
11pm I went in to be examined as the pains were getting stronger. I was 1cm dilated and was given co-codamol to ease the pain and sent on my way to go and have a bath.
2am (I think) I went in again as the co-codamol had done nothing but make me feel extremely nauseous. I was 2cm dilated at this point. I was then given oramorph and sent home.
3am (I think) my contractions were getting worse to the point they were continuous and I could not cope any more at home. I needed something stronger. I went in and I was finally 4cm dilated.... Hooray finally I would be staying. I was given gas and air but this made me feel sick so I stopped using it. I was just breathing through my contractions with Andy's help as I could not regulate the breaths.
Suzie, my midwife, then came on duty at 8am I think. She advised me to try the gas and air again. She told me to get past the sicky stage and then I wouldn't want to give it up for love or money.
Now it gets extremely hazy as I got past the sicky stage and started to get as high as a kite.
At around 10am I was checked again I was still 4cm and not progressing. I was given the option for them to break my waters to which I agreed this took me to 5cm. Suzie then checked me again in 2 hours to check the progression. This was the most painful bit at the time and I begged her to let me get into the water but I couldn't until I was fully dilated.
I believe I got in the pool at around 1:30-2pm. The relief was amazing I still had the gas and air in the pool for about the next hour.
When it was finally time to push, much to my disgust, I had to give up the gas and air, due to me not pushing effectively. After giving up the gas and air I began pushing more effectively and by 15.44 our little bundle of joy was born. We hadn't found out the gender so the next bit was a surprise. I picked him up from between my legs and the first thing I said to Andy was 'I think it's a boy.' I then held him away from me so I could double check.... Yep definitely a boy. I looked at Andy and said 'are we still going to call him Finley?'
I had a cuddle with Finley in the water whilst we waited for all the blood to pass through the placenta. Andy then cut the cord. I then passed Finley to the midwife who then gave him to Andy for skin to skin contact whilst I got out the pool and onto the bed to deliver the placenta and get checked over.
Whilst all this was happening Finley also had all his checks and Andy came round the corner and said he weighed 8lbs 10oz to which my response was jeez no wonder why it hurt 🤣. Finley was given the all clear and they came back into the room. By this point I had delivered the placenta and had my 2 grazes stitched... How I didn't tear I don't know!!!! I was then given Finley back to have more skin to skin.
All the midwives left. We were left on our own with our new little human for I think 3 hours before anyone came in. I was asked if he had eaten to which I replied no (I had no idea how to breastfeed a baby).
I was then given 2 options could either I could go home at about 9:30 or I could stay in over night. I wanted to go home. I was told by 2 different midwives how to get him to latch. Both completely different and I was unable to get him to latch. We were then left again until the midwife change over.
The midwife change over happened at 8pm and Suzie left. Abby then came back on shift and again tried to get Finley to latch with no luck. She said he needed to feed otherwise I couldn't go home, so I made the decision there and then to formula feed him and that we would get some formula from Tesco on the way home. I would also keep trying once home to breastfeed.
I was discharged at 10pm 26th August just over 6 hours after giving birth to the most wonderful little boy.

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