Birth story - Alice and baby girl

It all started at 2.30am when I was woken by gentle surges which let me drift in and out of sleep every 10 minutes or so. 

After a couple of hours I took myself downstairs for a snack and a catch up of my favourite programme. I used Clary Sage to encourage the surges to continue wth strength and length. Breathing through each and every sensation. 

At 5 am I returned to bed as the surges had faded and allowed my body to rest. At 9 am I woke with the same rhythmic surges that needed my breathing technique to pull focus. 2 in 10 minutes but allowing me to mobilise and get my toddler to nursery. 

With my 3 year old safely entertained for the day I felt a change in surges and I decided I wanted to walk this baby out. We went on a beautiful sun filled stroll along the local deer park before a midwifery appointment at 1400. At this appointment my midwife, whom I had seen throughout my whole pregnancy, offered an examination/sweep after I explained the nights events. She and I both couldn't believe it when she said 4cm!!! She commented on how calm and happy I was to be in labour! I truly was! 

We went home and I carried on with 2 :10 surges using the rehearsed breathing and positive affirmations and relaxed in our garden. I even did some weeding! 


At 3pm I decided to go and lay down and try and rest and listened to Siobhans voice to help me relax further. 

By 4 pm my husband called the hospital as he noticed my change of behaviour and vocalisations got louder! We battled through rush hour traffic and arrived at hospital by 5.15 to a wonderful midwife who read my birth plan and knew how I wanted this labour to go. Because of my previous experience of an emergency caesarean she offered me continuous monitoring which I accepted because I needed to know how my baby was coping. I continued breathing deeply as each surge was increasing in strength. My baby was safe and happy, as was I. 

We laughed and joked with my midwife and she offered an examination to check progress. 6cm and established labour was here! I was in heaven and welcomed each surge. Enjoying every new sensation I had never had with my previous birth. 

Our waters went at 1815 and the down breathing began with the next surge. My midwife said that my baby was OP/back to back position. But I told her that 'she's got her big girl boots on and she's ready to be born' the wonderful midwife believed my every word and got her gloves on ready for her. My body and my baby worked together and this world was made brighter by my daughter at 18.46 on her due date. 


It was a whirlwind of exhilaration and empowerment. my body had finally found its true function! Where I thought I had failed so terribly before, this experience healed all doubt that I could do what I was built to do! 

It was honestly only an after thought of pain relief! I never even got to try the gas and air!  

As a midwife I was dubious about how calm I would be able to stay knowing so much and how birth can change so rapidly. My mental health was healed by this experience with the help of the digital pack I believed I could anything! So a massive thank you for changing my life!!! 


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