Birth stories - Clare and baby Jude

Its been so long since our wee Jude was born.

After quite a traumatic birth with my first born my friend advised the hypnobirthing course. I’m not going to lie I was a little sceptical but I thought I'd give it a bash. Nothing ventured nothing gained so to speak. I’m so pleased I did.

I did the online course and practised the breathing exercises. It provided me with the tools I needed to try and remain calm. I definitely panicked with my first and the experience was not at all great.

With Jude I developed gestational hypertension. It came with its own set of problems. I was commenced on Labetalol, a hypertension drug although my blood pressure would still rise at times. I was advised to have an induction at 40 weeks and 4 days. I wasn't keen but given all the facts I felt it was safer for baby.

On the morning I was due for induction I sat on the loo at 05.30am and low and behold in all its glory, my mucus plug! I was bloody elated! I was going into labour on my own. I ran upstairs and told my husband who was still half asleep. We called relatives for the kids. At about 08.30am the contractions were ramping up. My husband called the hospital and advised no induction would be needed and I was in labour. I was using the breathing techniques and doing well. Focussed on in for 4, out for 8. I felt so in control.

At around 10:30 we decided it was time to make our way to the hospital. We arrived at 10.45. We went to the labour ward and were advised to go to triage to confirm labour. By now the contraction were well on their way. I was still using my breathing and still doing ok. The midwife examined me at 5cm with waters that were fit to burst! I was quickly hurried to the labour ward. By now I knew he was coming.

I was calm, I had a few breaths of gas and air and low and behold at 11.52 on 25/9/19 baby Jude entered the world! I felt like superwoman. It was unreal. For me the education and breathing techniques you provided were enough. Such a difference from my first so thank you. I've passed on the recommendation to other pregnant friends too. Such a great experience.


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