Birthing the Future
Over the past year, our lives have been put on pause. But, behind closed doors, in homes around the world, millions of women and birthing people have continued doing the important - and essential - job of growing new life, giving birth and raising the next generation.
Many have spent their baby’s first year in lockdown and some have even had to give birth alone. Without access to the usual playgroups or clinics and without friends or family around for emotional and practical support, these new parents have been left feeling isolated and invisible, unable to share the joy of having a new baby with loved ones or even celebrate important milestones.
With this in mind, we wanted to do something to acknowledge all that our amazing community have overcome and to celebrate their strength, courage and resilience.
Birthing The Future is a celebration of all parents and all the different pathways to parenthood, We’re shining a light on all the many experiences that our community have navigated over the past year, both the highs and the lows.
It’s time to step into the light.
Now we want to put you centre stage and share your story. We want to give you the recognition you deserve. What you’re doing matters; you are literally birthing the future. You are a real life hero.
“91% of our community told us they have been adversely affected by the government’s restrictions during the pandemic, especially in terms of being able to access support during pregnancy and the postnatal period.”